Content Summary
Series of Textbooks for International
Compiling explanation
I Concept of TCM and TCM theoretical system
II Formation and development of the theoretical system of TCM
III Basic characteristics of the theoretical system of TCM
Chapter one yin-yang and Five elementS
Section one yin-yang theory
Section two theory oF Five elementS
Chapter two Zang-Fu maniFeStation
Section one general introduCtion to theory oF Zang-Fu maniFeStation
Section two Five Zang-organS
Section three Six Fu-organS
Section Four extraordinary Fu-organS
Section Five relationShip between Zang-Fu organS
Chapter three eSSenCe Qi blood body Fluid and Spirit
Section one eSSenCe
Section two Qi
Section three blood
Section Four body Fluid
Section Five relationShip between eSSenCe Qi blood body Fluid and Spirit
Chapter Four meridianS and CollateralS
Section one theory oF meridianS and CollateralS
Section two twelve regular meridianS
Section three eight extra meridianS
Section Four phySiologiCal FunCtionS oF meridianS and CollateralS and the appliCation oF meridian and Collateral theory
Chapter Five etiology
Section one Six pathogeniC FaCtorS
Section two epidemiC pathogeniC FaCtor
Section three internal injury by Seven emotionS
Section Four improper diet
Section Five imbalanCe between work and reSt
Section Six pathogeniC FaCtorS CauSed by pathologiCal produCtS
Section Seven other pathogeniC FaCtorS
Chapter Six diSeaSe oCCurrenCe
Section one diSeaSe oCCurrenCe prinCipleS
Section two diSeaSe oCCurrenCe CategorieS
Chapter Seven pathogeneSiS
Section one exuberanCe and debilitation oF healthy Qi or pathogeniC FaCtorS
Section two yin-yang diSharmony
Section three diSorder oF Qi and blood
Section Four metaboliC diSorder oF body Fluid
Section Five endogenouS pathogeniC FaCtorS
Chapter eight prinCipleS For health nurturing diSeaSe prevention and treatment
Section one health nurturing
Section two prevention
Section three therapeutiC prinCipleS
Appendix Introduction of Chief Editors of Series of Textbooks for International Higher Education of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Song Yitong
Wang Jian
Wang Zhenquan
Appendix Introduction of Editors in Chief of Basics of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Zhang Guoxia
Ji Bin
Zhang Yuangang
Li Tingjun
更新时间:2019-08-19 18:23:14