1.小夜曲 Serenade
2.小夜曲 Serenade
3.小夜曲 Serenade
4.小夜曲 Serenade
5.小夜曲 Serenade
6.小夜曲 Serenade
7.小夜曲 Serenade
8.天使小夜曲 Angel's Serenade
9.西班牙小夜曲 Spanish Serenade
10.墨西哥小夜曲 Mexican Serenade
11.降E大调夜曲 Nocturne in E♭ major
12.梦中的情人 Sweet Heart of Dream Land
13.天堂的梦 A Dream of Paradise
14.啊!多么纯洁 Oh! So Pious
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15.春之歌 Spring Song
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16.乘着歌声的翅膀 On Wings of Song
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17.卡伐蒂那 Cavatina
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18.金发的珍妮 Jeanie With the Light Brown Hair
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19.F大调旋律 Melody in F Major
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20.浪漫曲 Romance
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21.东方曲 Orientale
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22.戈帕克舞曲 Gopack
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23.沉思 Meditation
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24.宽广的柔板 Adagio Largamente
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25.间奏曲 Interlude
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26.沉思 Meditation
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27.悲歌 Elegy Melody
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28.印度之歌 Song of India
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29.野蜂飞舞 The Bumble-Bee
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30.挪威舞曲 Norwegian Dance
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31.A大调圆舞曲 Waltz in A Major
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32.匈牙利舞曲第2号 Hungarian Dance No.2
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33.匈牙利舞曲第5号 Hungarian Dance No.5
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Drigo 德里戈
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Toselli 托赛里
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Drdla 德尔德拉
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Haydn 海顿
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Gounod 古诺
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Arensky 阿连斯基
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Braga 布拉加
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Glazunov 格拉祖诺夫
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Ponce 庞塞
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Chopin 肖邦
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Balfe 巴尔夫
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Gray 格雷
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Flotow 弗洛托
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Mendelssohn 门德尔松
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Raff 拉 夫
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Foster 福斯特
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Rubinstein 鲁宾斯坦
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Cui 居伊
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Mussorgsky 穆索尔斯基
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Massenet 马斯内
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Rimsky-Korgakov 里姆斯基-科萨科夫
更新时间:2020-04-24 10:07:19