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Chapter 1. Using Standard and Custom Converters in JSF
Working with implicit and explicit conversions
Standard converters for numbers
Standard converters for date and time
Converters and NULL values
Creating and using a custom converter
Using custom converters for h:selectOneMenu
Binding converters to backing bean properties
RichFaces and standard converters
RichFaces and custom converters
Instance variables in converters
Client-side converters with MyFaces Trinidad
Chapter 2. Using Standard and Custom Validators in JSF
Using a standard validator
Customizing error messages for validators
Creating a custom validator
Binding validators to backing bean properties
Validating forms with RichFaces rich:beanValidator
Validating forms with RichFaces rich:ajaxValidator
Apache MyFaces Commons validators
Bean validation with f:validateBean
Enforcing a value's presence with f:validateRequired
Using regular expressions with f:validateRegex
Chapter 3. Security
Working with the JSF Security project
Using the JSF Security project without JAAS Roles
Using secured managed beans with JSF Security
Using Acegi/Spring security in JSF applications
更新时间:2021-04-02 19:44:12