第1129章 CHAPTER XXII(69)

FN 812 Monthly Mercuries for August and September, 1697.

FN 813 Life of James, ii: 565.

FN 814 Actes et Memoires des Negociations de la Paix de Ryswick;Life of James, ii. 566.

FN 815 James's Protest will be found in his Life, ii. 572.

FN 816 Actes et Memoires des Negociations de la Paix de Ryswick;Williamson to Lexington, Sept 14/24 1697; Prior MS.

FN 817 Prior MS.

FN 818 L'Hermitage, July 20/30; July 27/Aug 6, Aug 24/Sept 3, Aug 27/Sept 6 Aug 31/Sept 10 1697 Postman, Aug. 31.

FN 819 Van Cleverskirke to the States General, Sept. 14/24 1697;L'Hermitage, Sept. 14/24; Postscript to the Postman, of the same date; Postman and Postboy of Sept. 19/29 Postman of Sept. 18/28.

FN 820 L'Hermitage, Sept 17/27, Sept 25/Oct 4 1697 Oct 19/29;Postman, Nov. 20.

FN 821 L'Hermitage, Sept 21/Oct 1 Nov 2/12 I697; Paris Gazette, Nov. 20/30; Postboy, Nov. 2. At this time appeared a pasquinade entitled, A Satyr upon the French King, written after the Peace was concluded at Reswick, anno 1697, by a Non-Swearing Parson, and said to be drop'd out of his Pocket at Sam's Coffee House. Iquote a few of the most decent couplets.

"Lord! with what monstrous lies and senseless shams Have we been cullied all along at Sam's!

Who could have e'er believed, unless in spite Lewis le Grand would turn rank Williamite?

Thou that hast look'd so fierce and talk'd so big, In thine old age to dwindle to a Whig!

Of Kings distress'd thou art a fine securer.

Thou mak'st me swear, that am a known nonjuror.

Were Job alive, and banter'd by such shufflers, He'd outrail Oates, and curse both thee and Boufflers For thee I've lost, if I can rightly scan 'em, Two livings, worth full eightscore pounds per annum, Bonae et legalis Angliae Monetae.

But now I'm clearly routed by the treaty."

FN 822 London Gazettes; Postboy of Nov. 18 1697; L'Hermitage, Nov. 5/15.

FN 823 London Gazette, Nov. 18. 22 1697; Van Cleverskirke Nov.

16/26, 19/29.; L'Hermitage, Nov. 16/26; Postboy and Postman, Nov.

18. William to Heinsius, Nov. 16/26.

FN 824 Evelyn's Diary, Dec, 2. 1697. The sermon is extant; and Imust acknowledge that it deserves Evelyn's censure.

FN 825 London Gazette, Dec. 6. 1697; Postman, Dec. 4.; Van Cleverskirke, Dec. 2/12; L'Hermitage, Nov. 19/29.

End of The History of England from the Accession of James II, Vol. 4The History of England from the Accession of James the Second by Thomas Babington Macaulay Volume V(Chapters XXIII-XXV)


I HAVE thought it right to publish that portion of the continuation of the "History of England" which was fairly transcribed and revised by Lord Macaulay. It is given to the world precisely as it was left: no connecting link has been added; no reference verified; no authority sought for or examined. It would indeed have been possible, with the help Imight have obtained from his friends, to have supplied much that is wanting; but I preferred, and I believe the public will prefer, that the last thoughts of the great mind passed away from among us should be preserved sacred from any touch but his own.

Besides the revised manuscript, a few pages containing the first rough sketch of the last two months of William's reign are all that is left. From this I have with some difficulty deciphered the account of the death of William. No attempt has been made to join it on to the preceding part, or to supply the corrections which would have been given by the improving hand of the author.

But, imperfect as it must be, I believe it will be received with pleasure and interest as a fit conclusion to the life of his great hero.

I will only add my grateful thanks for the kind advice and assistance given me by his most dear and valued friends, Dean Milman and Mr. Ellis.