Deepen BRICS Partnership for a Brighter Future

Wang Linggui

Executive Vice Chairman of Board of Directors & Secretary General, National Institute for Global Strategy(NIGS), CASS

Zhao Jianglin

Senior Research Fellow, National Institute for Global Strategy(NIGS), CASS

What's different from other cooperative organizations in the world is that BRICS started as a concept in investment and later transformed into a complex concept that includes politics, economy, security and culture. Since the first BRICS leadership summit in 2006, even though there have been multiple challenges, the BRICS countries achieved great development in multiple fields, layers and in mechanization and becoming the BRICS power in global governance and put in efforts in promoting justice and fairness, openness and tolerance in world development. On July 7, 2017, when President Xi Jinping was residing an informal conference of BRICS leadership in Hamburg, he brought forth the four “unwavering” on the future development of BRICS cooperation.一要毫不动摇构建开放型世界经济;二要毫不动摇奉行多边主义;三要毫不动摇加强全球经济治理;四要毫不动摇推动共同发展。参见《习近平主持金砖国家领导人非正式会晤》,新华网2017年7月7日20:10:17。 The four unwavering declares the historical responsibilities and cooperation goals BRICS countries should shoulder, in order to input their own efforts for the development of developing countries and joint development of the world.