Germain Hotel Calgary
豪华、宁静和新颖Luxury, Serenity and Innovation



Germain Calgary hotel : part of a new building of 22 storeys -28,225 m2, including 143 hotel rooms, 40 condominium units, 8800 sq ft of office space, a restaurant, 7 levels of underground parking and a room on the top geothermal basement. Le Germain Calgary offers travellers something new, compared to the other hotels in the group. “Every time we build a new Germain hotel, we strive to reinvent the Germain experience of style, comfort and personalized service while adding an innovative design element, ” explains Viateur Michaud, co-founder of the architectural firm.
The Germain Calgary boasts an exceptional location in the heart of downtown only a stone's throw from all the city has to offer. Connected to the city's network of elevated pedestrian walkways, the hotel, unlike other Germain hotels, actually opens directly on to 9th Avenue. The lobby features a two-story glass wall facing the main commercial street, thus creating a unique vibrancy between the street and the hotel space. The materials and interior design were selected to combine ease and comfort. “Our goal was to create a welcoming environment with a flash of innovation, ” explains Viateur Michaud. The hotel's exterior cladding of Prodema wood-laminate panels prefigures the warmth of the interiors, where wood is a dominant element. Beyond the impressive fenestration of the façade, the main entrance is a vibrant, active space where an immense glassed-in lounge open to the street takes up almost the entire lobby.

卡尔加里Germain酒店占据了一个22层新楼宇的一部分,这个综合楼的建筑面积为28225平方米,包括143间酒店房、40个高档公寓单位,约820平方米的办公空间、一个饭店、7层地下停车场和地热地下室顶部的一个房间。卡尔加里Germain酒店与集团的其他酒店相比,为旅客们带来了一些新意。建筑事务所的创建人之一Viateur Michaud说道:“每次修建一座新的Germain酒店时,我们都会努力重塑Germain酒店在风格、舒适度和个人服务方面的体验,同时加入新颖的设计元素。”
酒店地理位置优越,坐拥市中区的核心地段,矗立于第九大道和中心大街的街角,酒店距离城中的文化、休闲和商业区仅几步之遥与Germain集团的其他酒店不同,该酒店连接着城市的人行道网络,实际上直接朝向第九大道开放。大堂的特色是面向主要商业街的双层高玻璃墙,从而营造了大街与酒店空间之间独特的活力。酒店选用的材料和内部设计既休闲又舒适。Viateur Michaud说:“我们的目的是创造一个闪烁着创新之举的宜人环境。”酒店外部覆层的Prodema木幕墙预示了酒店内部的温馨,木材是主要的内饰元素。除了外墙壮观的开窗,主入口更是一个动感活泼的空间,一个由玻璃包围、朝向大街的巨大休闲吧几乎占据了整个大堂。