


China is facing an increasingly severe male marriage-squeeze, with millions of men who will be unable to marry and find a stable sexual partner owing to an increasing shortage of females in the marriage and sexuality market. This is not a new phenomenon but an increasingly critical one. The mismatched sizes of male and female cohorts now reaching marriageable age and the demographic manifestation of socio-cultural and behavioral discriminatory practices against women(in particular before their birth with increasingly imbalanced sex ratios at birth)have led to China becoming the world's most sex-imbalanced countries after India. This new demographic of single males is a growing concern. In particular, sexual health and wellbeing of men deprived of a stable sexual partner within marriage are in question, in a country where heterosexual marriage remains socially the prerequisite for marital-type cohabitation and family formation.

This book analyzes the sexual behaviors(partnered-sex, masturbation, same-sex sexual behaviors, commercial sex behaviors)of unmarried men and compares them to those of the married in order to evidence any behavioral difference. It appears that men who have difficulties in getting married and finding a stable sexual partner have a sexuality much less intense than married men in the same age-groups. However, they tend to resort more frequently to compensation practices such as masturbation, same-sex sexual behaviors and commercial sex. But as condom use is still very low among both the married and the unmarried, casual sex is apt to have an impact on their sexual wellbeing and sexual safety.

This book provides analysis at the intersection of demography and sociology of sexuality. It contributes to improving the knowledge about social and behavioral changes resulting from a large-scale and long-lasting numerical sex imbalance. It therefore brings significant academic and policy-oriented added value.