age of forty or so we find her reduced to giving dancing lessons at a not quite first-rate school in Paris.

Her glamorous lovers were now replaced by an elderly but still vigorous Englishm[a]n who sought abroad a refuge from taxes and a convenient place to conduct his not quite legal transactions in the traffic of wines. He was what used to be termed a charmeur. His name, no doubt assumed, was Hubert H. Hubert.

Flora, a lovely child, as she said



一位上了年纪、精力却还算旺盛的英国男人则取代了她以前那些风流倜傥的情人们。此人旅居巴黎是为了寻求一个既有利于避税,又便于从事一些不那么合法的红酒交易的处所。他就是过去人们口中的一个有诱惑力的人原文为法语。。毋庸置疑,他的姓名叫休伯特·赫·休伯特。休伯特·赫·休伯特(Hubert H. Hubert)的拼写与《洛丽塔》中的男主人公亨伯特·亨伯特(Humbert Humbert)的名字相似。
