- 托福高分万能思路:跟名师练TOEFL口语/写作
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- 3541字
- 2025-02-17 22:01:53
Part 1 TOEFL独立口语、写作话题语料库
第一类 运动

01 Why are sports important?


1.1 教会很多人生道理
Sports teach us important lessons about life. The participants become stronger both physically and intellectually. They become less inclined to give up when they're struggling. One would often learn from jogging that we should keep running especially when we feel tired, because once we pass a certain threshold, the uneasiness will pass. A sense of happiness follows immediately. In real life, we should keep moving forward as well even when we run into challenges, because everything will get easier if we persist.
1.2 团队合作
Sports promote a spirit of teamwork. In my own experience, almost all my friends who thrive in teams love team sports such as basketball, soccer, and volleyball. In these games, team members have to cooperate to win. Otherwise, even if you are extremely good at the game, you still cannot beat a whole team all by yourself.
1.3 放松
Sports are also a great way to relax, especially for those engaged in intellectual work, like students and office employees. A badminton game in ShouTi gymnasium
will ease all your stress from work or study. Also, it feels great to sweat after an intense competition with a powerful opponent.
1.4 减肥
Sports help me keep in shape. I couldn't help but notice that my belly was starting to emerge when I looked at myself in the mirror last year, and it did not look great. So, I started to exercise every day in order to keep myself in shape. I have been performing 50 push-ups and 50 sit-ups
daily, and my belly is under control, at least for now.
1.5 交流+增进感情
Sports provide us with great opportunities to bond with our colleagues and friends. For example, my classmate Jason had not been close to our instructor in his freshman year. However, because they both love to work out, they became best friends when Jason was a sophomore, given their frequent morning interactions at the student fitness center
. We all know the importance of maintaining a good relationship with our classmates and colleagues. So, it seems to me exercising is a great way to expand your social circle
02 How often do you do exercise and why?

2.1 每天锻炼
I'm a sports fanatic, so I must exercise every day. My body craves
. I can't focus on any intellectual work before getting pumped up
by running.
2.2 一周两次
I try to get some exercise at least twice a week. But since I have quite a tight schedule, the actual number might vary. I realize the importance of continuous exercise, so when I don't have time, I force myself to do physical activities by running up stairs instead of taking an elevator.
2.3 不锻炼
I rarely exercise. Sports just aren't the thing for me. I suck at sports. And I just hate sweating all over my body. In comparison, I prefer less intense
activities such as reading, playing the guitar, or simply chatting with my pals.
03 How often do you work out and why?

3.1 完全不健身
I do not work out at all. I just don't get the point of running on a machine for a whole hour when you can call up a few friends to have an intense basketball game together. Or, we surely could gather a group of friends to go on a ski trip in ChongLi of ZhangJiaKou, which is only a 3-hour-drive. Competition and cooperation, as well as companionship always increase the enjoyment you get from exercising. However, these can be quite difficult to get by merely working out alone.
3.2 每天健身
I work out daily. To be frank, the primary reason that drove me to work out in the beginning was to have an attractive body. But later when working out became a habit of mine, I started to feel that it had become a part of me, an activity that I have to do every day. Otherwise, something just doesn't feel right and I can't focus on my study/work before my workout session in the morning. Now, I have better fitness
, better sleep quality, and better relationships.
04 Where do you exercise and why?

4.1 宿舍
I prefer to exercise in my dorm room since it's more convenient. Some of my classmates choose to go to the gymnasium but it's just too far in a cold winter, especially when I am all sweaty. On the other hand, if you choose to exercise indoors, weather won't be a problem. I prefer to do push-ups in my dorm. I usually just put my feet on the edge of my bed, and support my body with my arm on the ground. Some of my roommates do sit-ups with the help of others. They often want to lose weight.
4.2 公园
I like to go jogging along the edge of the park in my neighborhood. For one thing, the air quality in the morning is extremely refreshing. I am extremely picky when it comes to air quality. When air quality is bad because of smog, I try my best to avoid going outside, not to mention
exercising Breathing fresh air after a quick run just feels great. For another thing, the beautiful scenery lighten my day
. I also have this thing for enjoying the green of the trees and grass. I always feel pumped up after a short run.
4.3 健身房
I prefer working out in the gym. There are quite a few advantages. First, the air quality outside is just too bad. If I run outside, it may hurting my body more than building it up. Also, there are trainers in the gym, so I can seek out training advice when I am not quite sure if I'm doing the right thing. last but not least, the atmosphere in gyms is way better than exercising alone, since you can easily be influenced by the positive energy around you that Everybody is constantly emitting:Everybody wants a perfect body.
05 What sports are there?

5.1 球类运动
soccer, basketball, tennis, badminton
5.2 常规运动
swimming, jogging, marathon, judo
5.3 极限运动
freestyle skiing, snowboarding, surfing, bungee jumping
5.4 电子竞技
electronic sports such as DOTA, LOL, Counter-Strike, and StarCraft II

06 How good are you at sports?
6.1 对运动非常在行
I know my way around. I've played it since I was 6, and still do it every week with my coworkers. I always win. I've participated in different competitions, in school, in the city, or in the neighborhood, and I've won prizes.
6.2 不太擅长运动
I suck at badminton. My body and mind just don't coordinate harmoniously. It sometimes feels like my brain doesn't control my hand. The ball just won't go where I want it to. Once I participated in a class competition, and I was horrible. and I was owned by my opponent, in every game. Of course, I had just one game. I was cut as soon as possible.
07 What's special about sports?

7.1 增强体力
It builds stamina. You have to run back and forth constantly. At first, you might feel out of breath. But weeks later, you'll feel more energetic. It's in fact, a very good cardio exercise, which helps with weight loss.
7.2 增强灵活性
It builds flexibility. You have to reach out, bend down, and switch positions all the time. Your reflexes improve over time.
7.3 增强手臂力量
It strengthens arm muscles. If you want your ball to beat the opponent, it must be powerful.
7.4 便宜
It is relatively affordable because its location and equipment are relatively basic. You can play on a special court or you can just play outside.
7.5 增进友谊
It is also a great way to bond with friends. If you play doubles
, winning together is surely a boost to the friendship.
7.6 容易受伤
Sudden twists and turns can sometimes hurt your ankle if you don't warm up.
7.7 容易受重伤
It could lead to serious consequences, such as concussion. My friend Jason experienced temporary
memory loss after hitting his head during a ski trip. He was then sent to the hospital, where he got a CT scan to check for internal bleeding. Luckily, nothing serious was found. He gradually recovered after a week.
08 How can I become good at sports?

8.1 经常练习
I practice badminton frequently. In fact, to improve, I compete with better players twice every week. I got knocked out easily at first, but gradually, I became a qualified competitor. They say that people can master any kind of sports or skill after 10,000 hours of practice, and I believe this very much. I have been playing badminton for two years now, at least 4 hours per week. That totals about 200 hours per year. So, if we apply the 10,000 hours rule, I will become a badminton master after 50 years. Hahahahhhaha. Most people lack perseverance. So, the key is to remember: it gets easier each day.
8.2 分单项练习,各个击破
I worked to polish my separate skills independently, like serving
, smashing
, and drop shot
. I hired a coach to train me, and each session we would focus on just one skill. Some of my friends just want to learn everything in a week. That's just impossible. Many would get frustrated when they felt they did not improve for a long time because they were only practicing the basics. But the thing that they do not realize is that they must let the basic skills improve gradually, and that you have to believe that one day, your skills will improve drastically
when you combine, and suddenly realize how to use all their skills in a real match.
8.3 增强心理抗压能力
I also have to get used to losing and leading and not let the scores disturb my mentality. I never play well when I count scores or when I play with strangers, because of my weak mentality. When I keep score, all my attention is focused on the scores. When I am losing, all I can think of is: the score gap is getting bigger; which further weakens my performance. On the other hand, when I am winning, I keep calculating the score gap, fearing that my opponent might catch up; I just can't relax and I get all tensed up.
09 Why do you like/hate watching sports?

9.1 非常喜欢
I love watching sports. I am willing to stay up late until 3:00 a.m, just to watch my favorite team's game in the Championship League. Some advise me to watch the replay
of the tournament, but I never do. They just don't understand. All fans superstitiously
believe that their mere act of watching the game has a decisive influence over the final results of the game. Watching it live makes me feel like I'm a part of the team.
9.2 喜欢运动但不看比赛
I rarely watch sports. Although I do like playing badminton myself, I just don't have time for TV, not to mention following the progress of major tournaments. In extremely rare cases when I visit my friends, if they are all watching a tournament, say by Lin Dan, I join them. But I never watch games by myself.
9.3 完全无感
I just don't get why people watch sports. If you really love it, just play it. You always see those nerdy guys yelling about tactics
and strategies, as if they knew a thing. And you see fans attacking
each other after a game. Come on! It's just a game.
10 Who is your favorite athlete and why?

10.1 林丹 Lin Dan
Well, there are tons of reasons. The first is, of course, his handsome appearance. I think he looks more attractive since entering his 30s, mainly because he looks more sophisticated. He has admirable arm muscles. One of my colleagues started playing badminton merely because she was astonished by Lin Dan's enviable
muscle shape. Second, he is the best player in the world. He is steady, accurate, and ruthless
. He can dissolve
attacks from any angle or speed, and the way he handles the attacks always seems effortless
. When he finds opponents' weaknesses he always grasps the opportunity and executes
the winning shot perfectly.
10.2 罗纳尔多Ronaldo
Although I don't play soccer often, I love to play the video game: Pro Evolution Soccer, created by Konami
. Ronaldo is definitely my favorite player since he has the highest body balance
in the game, which gives him the ability to break through any defense
with ease. Intrigued
by the game, I later went on YouTube to find matches by Ronaldo and surprisingly found out that he was even more beastlike
in the real world than in the video game. He seemed that he could never be stopped by backfields
and he could trick any goal keeper
with ease.
10.3 科比Kobe
I think he is one of the best basketball players who have ever existed. He has been one of the most dominant forces in the league since he first played in the NBA. He is the reason why I fell in love with basketball. The way he plays with grace, talent, speed, and determination defines greatness. But what really speaks to me is his competitive spirit. Winning is all he cares about. When it comes to the final minutes, he is always the guy to step up and take over the game. Hunt or be hunted is always his mentality. His competitiveness drives him to still play at top level when he is 10 years older than most of the players in the league.
10.4 罗杰·费德勒 Roger Federer
One thing that strikes me most when comparing Federer with other players, is the natural ease and facility he has when executing even the most difficult shots. When other players seem to give everything to every shot, making a funny face each time, Roger remains stoic, calm, almost like he is playing with his mind. The result is beautifully effortless. Roger Federer is the complete package
, whether he is as a tennis player or as a person. You never see him throw the racket, rant
, get angry, or even complain. His only job is to get on the court, play good tennis and win as many matches as he can.
11 Is watching sports on TV a waste of time?

11.1 浪费时间
Yes. Since most games, such as soccer and basketball, last for hours, it is extremely time-consuming to watch sports on TV. Once you start watching, you have to stay until the end of game to know the result. Otherwise, what's the whole point of watching the game? What makes matters worse is that sports fans usually watch a series of games such as the European Cup or the World Cup, which last for weeks or even months. Fans definitely stay up late in the night in order to watch the live games, which usually start at 3:00 a.m. For example, one of my friends, Jason, who is a fan of Real Madrid, often sacrifices his sleep in order to watch live games. He might just sleep for 2 hours and get up to watch a game that starts at 4:00 a.m, After the game, he takes a shower and goes to work. He was diagnosed with an alcoholic fatty liver last month because of his irregular sleep pattern.
11.2 放松的最佳方式
Of course not. Watching sports on TV is a perfect way to relax. Whenever I feel tired from work or study, I buy some beers and invite some friends to my apartment,lying comfortably on my couch, watching a game together, sharing our passion, predicting the result of the game, and making bets. After the game, the loser of the bet takes everybody out for a nice dinner. My weariness
all disappears after spending time with my friends watching a nice game together.
12 Should schools invest in a sports gym?

12.1 保证学生健康
Sure. It is a schools' mission to keep their students healthy and to help students cultivate a healthy lifestyle. Also, a fancy gymnasium attracts top students from all over the country.
12.2 应该注重其他设施
No. Schools should spend their limited funds on more important domains such as laboratories or the library. Even an investment in the dormitory
or the cafeteria is a wiser
choice, since a good night's sleep or an enjoyable meal would surely provide students with more energy to focus on their study than a few running machines.
13 Which one is more important for children's development? Sports or video games?


13.1 运动和电子游戏都重要
I think both are important, and therefore children should participate in both. Video games are good for children's intellectual development, whereas sports are beneficial to both children's physical and intellectual development.
13.2 运动更重要
Research shows that children who constantly participate in sports tend to attain higher heights and better health than those who do not. Parents all wish their children to be at least 6 feet tall and be vigorous and outgoing. Playing sports is a perfect way to achieve all the wishes of parents. For one thing, sports stimulate the growing of bone and muscle tissues. For another thing
, playing team sports naturally teaches children how to cooperate and communicate with others. Both are vital skills for children's future success.
I think doing sports/exercising/working out frequently is very important, and most of us are not doing enough. Take my little cousin Andy for example. He is only 16, but he has problems with his body because he studies all the time and never goes to the gym. First, he wears very thick glasses. Without them, he runs into trees all the time. If, however, he had chosen to play fewer computer games and go out more, his eyesight could have been better. Also, he is overweight. He's only 6 feet tall, but he is over 200 pounds. If he runs a mile, he could almost have a heart attack. And there's more. He has high blood pressure. I think cases like him really warn us that when we are still young, we need to be more active.
14 Which sport are you interested in learning?

14.1 滑雪 Skiing & Snowboarding
Skiing and snowboarding are so popular in Beijing in recent years that if you are young and have never been to a ski resort, you are behind the times. I went to a ski resort with my college buddies during my sophomore year, and became addicted. Sadly, I have been busy ever since I started working and have had almost no time to practice. However, if I ever have time to take a vacation, I will choose to purchase an airplane ticket and fly to Hokkaido
or Sweden
, which have world-class ski resorts
. I will then hire a ski instructor and learn for so that I can show off
my amazing skills to my friends on social media such as WeChat or WeiBo.
14.2 骑马 Horse-riding
A few years ago, I went to BaShang Grassland with my friends and tried horse-riding for the first time. The actual experience was quite different from what I imagined, but it was still pretty fun. In my imagination, horse-riding was easy: all I needed to do was sit on the horse's back and control direction with the reins. In reality, however, I had to use all my energy to keep myself from falling off, because it is extremely bumpy
on a horse's back when it runs fast. Nevertheless, I still found it fun. I watched the video that my friends took while I was riding. I looked like a nobleman
, although it did look like I was struggling a little bit. So, if I have a chance, I would surely spend time mastering my horse-riding skills.
14.3 篮球 Basketball
I have watched the NBA ever since I was a little kid, and therefore I would like to improve my basketball skills, since it's my favorite sport. Also, I know that Americans love basketball. Because I'm likely to study abroad in the United States next year, I think basketball would be a great way for me to make some new friends. I'm not particularly confident in my oral communication skills, but basketball is the one thing that I'm good at. My plan is to communicate with my American fellows with sports.