
Peng Yulin

Male, Han nationality, born in Xinxiang city Henan province, in May 1982. A party member of the Communist Party of China, a doctor of education and an advisor of graduate students.

A post-doctor of physical education at Shanghai University of Sport, a government-sponsored post-doctor of physical education at Springfield College, a lecturer in the department of physical education at Henan University of Economics and Law.Concurrently taking up the post of the director of Henan Monitoring Center for Student Physical Fitness and Health, the member of expert group on the Research of Henan Student Physical Health, the standing member of children's and adolescents' health specialized committee in Henan Preventive Medical Association, the communication editor of the Journal of Chinese School Health, the director of the Henan University of Economics and Law Research Center for Physical Activities and Health etc.

The main research directions are: physical fitness and health of children and adolescents; volleyball theory and practice.