
疑问代词用于问人及物的场合,共有 who、what、which 三个词。这三个疑问代词,是单复数通用的,what、which 没有所有格,其主格及宾格同形,惟有 who 在其格(Case)上有些变化。











1. who 是用于人的,问人的姓名及血族关系,例如:

Who is he?He is Mr. Chang.(姓名)

Who is she?She is my aunt.(血族关系)

2. what 可用于人或物,用于人的时候,就不是问其姓名,而是问其职业,用于物的时候,当然是问物名。

What is that man?He is a doctor.(职业)

What do you want?I want some ink.(物名)

3. which 也是人或物都可以用的,常表选择之意,即“孰”的意思。白话说“哪一个”。

Which do you like better,novels or poems?(二者择其一)

Which do you like best,beer,wine or spirit?(多数中择其一)

4. 疑问代词通常置于语句的开头,可与助动词同用。

Whom do you want to see?

Which do you want?

What ought we to do?

但用 be 及 have 时,则不要助动词,如:

Which of the two sisters is the prettier?

比较:Which of the two sisters do you like better?

What have you in your hand?

比较:What did you say?

注意:have 的这种用法是含有“所有”的意思,如无所有的意思,例如在 to have dinner(用餐),to have a good time(行乐)等 phrase 中,则仍须加用助动词,现举例比较如下:

①What has he in his left hand?(有所有意)

②What will you have for dinner?(无所有意)

Have you any sports books?(有所有意)

Did you have a fine time yesterday?(无所有意)


Who told you that?

What happened next?

Who among these merchants does the largest trade?

Which of these trees does not bear fruit?

5. 疑问代词为介词的宾格时,那介词可置于疑问词之前,也可置于反问词之后,也有置前置后皆可的。

To whom does this belong?

Whom does this belong to?

With whom did you speak?

Whom are you looking for?

6. 疑问句有两种,一种是以基本助动词(例如 be、have 等)开头的,另一种是以疑问词(例如 what、who、which、where、whom、how、why)开头的,通常无论哪一种,都是要把动词或助动词置于主语之前的,但如果这疑问句只是一个从句接在其他主句上时,主语和动词就不必颠倒,如:

Tell me which you like best?

比较:Which do you like best?

在上面以 which 为主语的句中,do(助动词)置于主语 you 之前,以表示主语和动词的颠倒。


①Do you know who is ill?Yes,I do.

②Who do you know is ill?I think his father is ill.

在第一例句,可以回答 yes 或 no,第二例句就不能回答 yes 或 no,通常是 know、hear、tell、ask 等动词的分句,置于疑问词之前,而 think、suppose、believe 等动词的分句,置于疑问词之后,但 say 一字则置前置后皆可,不过意思不同罢了。

Did you say what you wanted?Yes,I did.

②What did you say wanted?I said I wanted some money.

第一句主要是问你说了没说,故有回答 yes 或 no 的必要,但第二句主要是问你要什么,所以只能答要的东西,不能回答要与不要。

7. 有关 what 的 phrase。

What if I should fall sick now?(倘若……将如何)

What though I fall sick now?(纵令……又何妨)

③He talked of rights and duties,and rights and wrongs,and what not.(此外等等)

What by threatening,and what by coaxing,he finally accomplished his purpose.(半以……半以……)

What with the high price of provisions,and what with the occational sickness,the family found it very difficult to live on their income.(或因……或因……)

后二例中的 what 不是代词,而是副词。