- 辞趣翩翩,英语原来可以这么表达
- 丁燕蓉
- 4152字
- 2021-03-25 06:20:17
apple苹果——bad apple坏苹果→不好的因素(成分等)
At the end of each academic term on many US campuses, students complete evaluations of their course instructors. It is a process that has been criticized for years, and yet it shows a very common desire: to find an effective way to weed out the bad apples.
apple pie苹果派——as American as apple pie典型美国式的,美国特色的
America has earned the dubious distinction of being No. 1 in the world for over-criminalizing and over-incarcerating its residents. Sixty-five million US adults have a criminal record, making incarceration and the lifetime punishment that flows from involvement in the system “as American as apple pie”.
bacon咸肉,腌肉——bring home the bacon养家糊口
Despite our drooping economy (and some great parenting fathers), I suspect we will not see a plethora of stay-at-home dads. Most men will simply find new ways to bring home the bacon.
beef牛肉——beef up加强;增援;补充(人数、兵力等)
When a breach is discovered, executives must take decisive action,beefing up their systems’defenses and alerting law enforcement when appropriate.
Does that mean it’s time for a beefed-up code of conduct for passengers?
biscuit饼干——a fresh plate of biscuits一盘刚出炉的饼干→受欢迎的人或者物
I joined Tinder after hearing a bunch of my guy friends speak about it as if it were a fresh plate of biscuits.
First- and second-year students are subjected to bland introductory courses taught primarily by graduate students.
boil煮沸——boil it down to将其概括为
The sales pitch was all about making college accessible, helping people fit it into their busy schedules. But over the years it’s somehow been boiled down to “Hey, you wanna get a master’s degree without leaving your master bedroom?”.
When men were the primary breadwinners in families and women stayed home, women with a college degree were the least likely group of women to marry.
cake蛋糕——the icing on the cake蛋糕上的糖霜→锦上添花;如虎添翼;更重要的是
The icing on the cake is the total disconnect between student job expectations, college curricula, and the realities of today’s labor market.
The study of coding forces students to learn proper syntax or “spelling” to make their scripts run. Perhaps it could be used as a carrot to drive students to learn the foundations of reading, writing and arithmetic.
carrot胡萝卜——carrot and stick胡萝卜、大棒并用→软硬兼施
Music industry groups concede that too, but they insist the combination of carrot and stick is the key to changing consumer behavior.
cheese奶酪——big cheese大块奶酪→大人物
As the big cheese in the outfit, Mike learns how to motivate the rank and file, which is the leading factor of their success.
To support a career in the arts in 2013 requires a cocktail of connections, financial support, talent and tremendous luck—and many of us just starting our professional lives are choosing more stable paths.
A student living on campus will have more of a “dorm” lifestyle, with university or thirdparty employees living in the residence halls conducting room checks and enforcing campus policies—like restrictions on opposite-sex visitors and bans on coking in rooms and burning candles.
If poor parents would rather have child care, parenting classes or access to private preschools, then policy makers should try to meet these demands creatively rather than impose a government-knows-best cookie-cutter solution.
Language is no less exacting than math. As the book title Eats, Shoots and Leaves demonstrates, a single comma can change a sentence about the diet of a panda to one describing the behavior of a dine-and-dash killer.
eat吃——eat at困扰
Violent crimes eat at the very core of a free society.
egg鸡蛋——egg on鼓动,怂恿
What’s ironic about this glut of business majors is this: The students, often egged on by their parents, are pursuing their vocational degree because they assume that it’s the ticket to a six-figure income.
egg蛋——nest egg留窝蛋→储备金;私房钱
Second, many young people with decent earning potential would likely be attracted to the idea of saving someone’s life in exchange for a nest egg or help paying off a loan.
egg鸡蛋——put all the eggs in one basket把所有的鸡蛋都放在一个篮子里→孤注一掷
There is no parenting secret that ensures that your children will grow up and be successful adults. So why would you want to sacrifice your career, your financial security and oftentimes your happiness all in the name of motherhood? To me that is putting all the eggs in one basket, pun intended.
jam果酱→jam session即兴表演
We could perhaps achieve these goals with a variety of post-workday happy hour options where there’s a drink offering—alcohol and alcohol-free—at the end of the activity: a group bike ride or brisk walk for fitness types, a chess gathering for chess lovers, a poetry reading for poetry buffs, a jam session for musicians and music lovers; and yes, beer and wine tastings for those aficionados.
lard猪油——be larded with夹杂着;点缀着
The writing is different: Young adult novels tend to emphasize strong voices and clear, clean descriptive prose, whereas a lot of literary fiction is very focused on style: dense, lyrical, descriptive prose,larded with tons of carefully observed detail, which calls attention to its own virtuosity rather than ushering the reader to the next paragraph with a minimum of fuss.
lighter fare口味淡的食品→轻松的小说
The conversation about summer reading got us thinking: Aren’t most of us reading this lighter fare year-round? Is that what novels are now expected to be: more entertaining, and less serious?
Is it easier to loaf on the couch instead of going for a run?
A third of my friends work full-time outside the home. Another third are unemployed. And a final third have created a hybrid model that includes part-time, flex-time or work from home. Our employment models may vary, but we all twist ourselves into human pretzels for the sake of our children.
These shifts in gender norms come with pain and conflict, of course. But they can also be a win-win recipe for marriage.
I read, meditated and had plenty of friends. Irelished my solitude. At heart I am a profoundly introverted person.
salt盐——worth one’s salt值得尊重的
But, as every parent worth his or her salt has reminded their child at least a hundred times, sometimes, life isn’t fair.
But it was also one of the few places in downtown Silver Spring where I spent money, because while hanging out, I’d stumble on my new favorite novel, or sample the CD my friend kept raving about at the listening station.
sauce酱油——secret sauce秘制酱料→秘诀
The secret sauce has been early-adopter teachers coming up with ingenious lessons and then sharing their lesson plans and curriculums with other teachers.
It makes sense to enjoy the freedom of emerging adulthood while it lasts, and if you’re fortunate enough to go to college,savor that brief opportunity to explore new worlds.
Although the public regularly calls for its leaders and aspiring leaders to be honest at all times, we are all seasoned communicators with a keen understanding of fractional truth.
side order副菜,配菜→辅修课程
Any other classes, like “law and literature” or “human rights”, are only side orders for the curricular entrées like “evidence” or “federal courts”.
simmer炖——simmer down平静下来,冷静下来
It apologizes and rolls back some of the changes, and users simmer down.
And as they grew up, I realized that soon it wouldn’t be appropriate for my boy to wander into my bed in the middle of the night with his drooping stuffed dog to slip under the covers in a father-son spoon.
spoon汤匙——a silver spoon in one’s mouth含着银汤勺长大,出生在富贵人家
Growing up without a silver spoon in my mouth, I really wanted to be in a position to live not from paycheck to paycheck and have some security.
tea茶——cup of tea喜爱的事物;中意的人
The two Kindles that I purchased for my library are popular, but they have not taken the place of books, just as audio books are not everyone’s cup of tea.
Are the quick digital tidbits worth less, or do they have authentic meaning because they reflect true feelings at that particular moment; sentiments that may not be documented anywhere else?