- 高职国际交流英语教程
- 缪莉 金忍冬
- 809字
- 2023-01-18 18:42:09
3. College Website
Pre-class Learning:Watch the video and learn how to read English websites of the university, then finish the following tasks.
Topic: Think about it and share your opinions on the online forum.
1. How can you find information of oversea university?
(cues: friends, news, websites, etc.)
2. Which contents on the university's websites will attract you most?
(cues: courses, college introduction, transport, location, faculty, renowned professor, etc.)
Test: Please watch the video online and answer the questions in the form.


In-class Learning
Skill Tips

Key information on college website
The design of college websites may vary from one college to another college. But the main content is similarly distributed. If you have the ability to read the websites of oversea colleges, you may have the way to learn more details about a college.
The main category of information on college website may be as follows:
Reading Text

College: What It's All About and Why It Matters

You might think that college is just high school continued, but it's not. College opens doors for you that high school doesn't. And college can change you and shape you in ways that you might not imagine.
Become More Independent
College work will challenge and inspire you. In college, you will:
•Explore subjects in greater depth than you did in high school
•Choose your own courses and class schedule
•Decide which extra curricular activities you'll focus on and how much time you'll give them
College helps students develop into mature, responsible and independent adults. But you're not entirely on your own: colleges offer students many kinds of help making this transition, such as tutoring and academic advising as well as counselling and other support.
Explore Your Options
One of the great things about being able to choose your own courses is that you get the opportunity to explore. You can try classes in a lot of different subjects, or you can dive right into a favorite subject. You may choose to begin training for a career right away. Or you may pick a major after taking some time to check out your options. Colleges offer classes and majors in subjects you've studied in high school—plus many more that you haven't.
Explore Outside the Classroom
College is about much more than just course work. A campus is its own world, and students have the chance to experience a wide range of activities. For example, college students may be able to:
•Publish newspapers
•Create TV and radio broadcasts
•Run their own government
•Stage performances
•Play sports
•Volunteer to improve their communities
Invest in Yourself
As you take on college work and participate in college life, you'll encounter new ideas and challenges. Along the way, you'll:
•Build knowledge, skills and brainpower
•Discover new passions
•Follow and satisfy your curiosity
•Learn more about yourself
•Bond with new friends
•Prepare for a future in which you're better equipped to give back
Whatever your destination, college can help you get there—even if you don't know where“there”is yet. Whether you've mapped out a long-term plan or you see new possibilities every day, college can help you become your future self.
(adapted from https://bigfuture.collegeboard.org/get-started/know-yourself/college-what-its-all-about-and-why-it-matters)
Question 1: From the author, does high school open doors for students?
Question 2: What should you do if you encounter problems in the process of being mature?
Question 3: What is the great thing to choose your own courses?
Question 4: Do college students have chances to volunteer to improve their community?
Let us browse the website of Saint Martin's University together. Follow the steps.
Step 1: Visit https://www.stmartin.edu/, then click“Academics”and find“programs and schools”, then pick the majors for undergraduate.
Step 2: Read an undergraduate academic catalog and answer the questions below.
1. Read Page 1 and tell us from which page we can find all the details of courses.
2. From Page 24 to 26, we can learn details of international undergraduate admission, can you tell us the different English language test requirements for international students?
3. From Page 46 to 49, we will know all fees charged at the university, like tuition fee, registration fees, health insurance, student services fees, etc. Please retell them in the class.
4. Choose one major that you are interested in from the catalog and tell us some course details of this major.
Sample structure
I am interested in…(course name). I have learned this course…(general introduction of the course, credit required, syllabus, fees, etc.)
After graduation, we can work as…(career)