Deleting the SYSVOL replication membership

The domain controller was also a member of the replication group for the Active Directory SYSVOL. 

Follow these steps to remove the domain controller:

  1. Open the Active Directory Administrative Center (dsac.exe).
  2. At the top of the left navigation pane, switch to Tree view from List view.
  3. Expand the Active Directory domain.
  4. Expand the System container.
  5. Expand the DFSR-Global Settings container.
  6. Expand the Domain System Volume container.
  7. Expand the Topology container.
  1. In the main window, right-click the object for the domain controller you want to delete from the Topology container:
  1. Select Delete.
  2. In the Delete Confirmation popup, click Yes to acknowledge that you are sure you want to delete the msDFSR-Member.
  3. Close the Active Directory Administrative Center.