The main method

In the following code snippet, the main method calls the NodeBetweenValues property with firstProperty and secondProperty. The node property between values 1 and 5 is printed:

// main method
func main() {
var linkedList LinkedList
linkedList = LinkedList{}
linkedList.AddToHead(3) linkedList.AddToEnd(5)
var node *Node
node = linkedList.NodeBetweenValues(1,5)

The main method creates a linked list. The nodes are added to the head and end. The node between values 1 and 5 is searched and its property is printed.

Run the following command to execute the doubly_linked_list.go file:

go run doubly_linked_list.go

After executing the preceding command, we get the following output:

The next section talks about sets, which are linear data structures.