
A tuple is a finite sorted list of elements. It is a data structure that groups data.  Tuples are typically immutable sequential collections. The element has related fields of different datatypes. The only way to modify a tuple is to change the fields. Operators such as + and * can be applied to tuples. A database record is referred to as a tuple. In the following example, power series of integers are calculated and the square and cube of the integer is returned as a tuple:

//main package has examples shown
// in Hands-On Data Structures and algorithms with Go book
package main

// importing fmt package
import (

//gets the power series of integer a and returns tuple of square of a
// and cube of a
func powerSeries(a int) (int,int) {

return a*a, a*a*a


The main method calls the powerSeries method with 3 as a parameter. The square and cube values are returned from the method:

// main method
func main() {

var square int
var cube int
square, cube = powerSeries(3)

fmt.Println("Square ", square, "Cube", cube)


Run the following commands:

go run tuples.go

The following screenshot displays the output:

The tuples can be named in the powerSeries function, as shown in the following code:

func powerSeries(a int) (square int, cube int) {

square = a*a

cube = square*a



If there is an error, it can be passed with tuples, as shown in the following code:

func powerSeries(a int) (int, int, error) {

square = a*a

cube = square*a

return square,cube,nil
