Spreading and joining values

A new operator, ..., lets you expand an array, string, or object, into independent values. This is harder to explain than to show, so let's see some basic examples:

// Source file: src/spread_and_rest.js

let values = [22, 9, 60, 12, 4, 56];

const maxOfValues = Math.max(...values); // 60
const minOfValues = Math.min(...values); // 4

You can also use it to copy arrays or concatenate them:

// Source file: src/spread_and_rest.js

let arr1 = [1, 1, 2, 3];
let arr2 = [13, 21, 34];

let copyOfArr1 = [...arr1]; // a copy of arr1 is created

let fibArray = [0, ...arr1, 5, 8, ...arr2]; // first 10 Fibonacci numbers
If you apply the spread operator to a string, the effect is to separate it into individual characters, much as if you had used .split(); for instance,  console.log(..."JS") shows  ["J", "S"], so this case isn't particularly interesting.

You can also use it to clone or modify objects; in fact, this is a usage we're going to meet again later, in Chapter 8, Expanding Your Application, mostly when we use Redux:

// Source file: src/spread_and_rest.js

let person = { name: "Juan", age: 24 };

let copyOfPerson = { ...person }; // same data as in the person object

let expandedPerson = { ...person, sister: "María" };
// {name: "Juan", age: 24, sister: "María"}

This is also useful for writing functions with an undefined number of arguments, avoiding the old style usage of the arguments pseudo-array. Here, instead of splitting an element into many, it joins several distinct elements into a single array. Note, however, that this usage only applies to the last arguments of a function; something such as function many(a, ...several, b, c) wouldn't be allowed:

// Source file: src/spread_and_rest.js

function average(...nums: Array<number>): number {
let sum = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < nums.length; i++) {
sum += nums[i];
return sum / nums.length;

console.log(average(22, 9, 60, 12, 4, 56)); // 27.166667
If you are wondering why I called arguments a pseudo-array, the reason is because it looks somewhat like an array, but only provides the .length property; see more at  https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Functions/arguments. In any case, you won't be dealing with it, thanks to the spread operator.