How to do it...

Let's try downloading a simple image file with the requests module. Open Python 2:

  1. As usual, import the requests library first:
>>> import requests  
  1. Create an HTTP response object by passing a URL to the get method:
>>> response = requests.get("")  
  1. Now send the HTTP request to the server and save it to a file:
>>> with open("me.png",'wb') as file:
...           file.write(response.content)

If it's a large file, the response.content will be a large string and won't be able to save all the data in a single string. Here, we use the iter_content method to load the data in chunks.

  1. Here, we can create an HTTP response object as a stream:
response = requests.get("", stream = True)
  1. Then, send the request and save the file with the following command:
>>> with open("me.png",'wb') as file:
...        for chunk in response.iter_content(chunk_size=1024):
...        if chunk:
...             file.write(chunk) 

This will work in Python 3. Also, make sure you install the required libraries in the Python 3 environment.