- Learning Functional Programming in Go
- Lex Sheehan
- 664字
- 2025-02-27 05:14:32
Let's utilize a memoization technique to speed up our Fibonacci calculation.
First, let's create a function type named Memoized() and define our Fibonacci variable to be of that type:
type Memoized func(int) int
var fibMem Memoized
Next, let's implement the Memoize() function. The key thing to realize here is that as soon as our application starts, even before our main() function is executed, our fibMem variable get wired up. If we were to step through our code we'd see that our Memoize function is called. The cache variable is assigned and our anonymous function is returned and assigned to our fibMem function literal variable.
func Memoize(mf Memoized) Memoized {
cache := make(map[int]int)
return func(key int) int {
if val, found := cache[key]; found {
return val
temp := mf(key)
cache[key] = temp
return temp
Memoize takes a Memoized() function type as its input and returns a Memoized() function.
In the first line of Memoize, we create a variable of the type map to act as our cache in order to hold computed Fibonacci computations.
Next, we create a closure that is of the type Memoized(), which is returned by the Memoize() function. Note that a closure is an inner function that closes over or that has access to variables in its outer scope.
Inside the closure, if we find the computation for the passed integer, we return its value from the cache; else we call the recursive Fibonacci function (mf) with the integer parameter (key), whose return value will be stored in cache[key]. Next time, when the same key is requested its value will be returned directly from the cache.
An anonymous function is a function defined with no name. When an anonymous function includes logic that can access variables defined in its scope, for example, cache, and if that anonymous function can be passed as an argument or returned as the value of function calls, which is true in this case, then we can refer to this anonymous function as a lambda expression.
We'll implement the logic of the Fibonacci Sequence in a function named fib:
func fib(x int) int {
if x == 0 {
return 0
} else if x <= 2 {
return 1
} else {
return fib(x-2) + fib(x-1)
The last thing we do in our memoize.go file is to create the following function:
func FibMemoized(n int) int {
return fibMem(n)
Now, it's time to see if our wiring works properly. In our main() function when we execute our println statement, we get the correct output.
The following is the output:
We can verify that 5 is the correct answer by glancing back at our Fibonacci(5) calculation graph shown earlier in this chapter.
If we were to step through our code using a debugger, we'd see that fibonacci.FibMemoized(5) calls the following
func FibMemoized(n int) int {
return fibMem(n)
And the value of n variable is 5. Since fibMem is pre-wired, we start executing at the return statement (and we have access to the cache variable that has already been initialized) . So, we begin executing at the return statement shown in the following code (from the Memoize function):
return func(key int) int {
if val, found := cache[key]; found {
return val
temp := mf(key)
cache[key] = temp
return temp
Since this is the first time through, there are no entries in the cache and we skip past the body of the if block and run temp := mf(key)
That calls the fib function:
func fib(x int) int {
if x == 0 {
return 0
} else if x <= 2 {
return 1
} else {
return fib(x-2) + fib(x-1)
Run the fib function as follows:

Since x is greater than 2 we run the last else statement that recursively calls fib twice. Recursive calls to fib continues until the base conditions are reached and the final result is calculated and returned.