- Applied Network Security
- Arthur Salmon Warun Levesque Michael McLafferty
- 185字
- 2021-07-02 23:30:58
Scan with a set of scripts
This command is useful when searching for multiple types of attack. Using multiple scripts will save time and allow for better efficiency while monitoring the network. You can also use the following command to scan for heartbleed attacks:
nmap -sV -p 443 --script=ssl-heartbleed
It is important to keep an updated database of current scripts. To update the Nmap script database, type the command nmap - -script-updatedb . The following screenshot demonstrates the screen you will see when you run this command:

Currently, Nmap has 471 NSE scripts installed. The scripts allow you to perform a wide range of network security testing and discovery functions. If you are serious about your network security, then you should take the time to get familiar with some of the Nmap scripts.
The option --script-help=$scriptname will show help for the inpidual scripts. To get a list of installed scripts, use the command locate nse | grep script.
You may have noticed the -sV service detection parameter. Usually, most NSE scripts will be more effective, and you will get better scans by using service detection.