Configuring user permissions for the Real-Time Monitoring Tool

The Real-Time Monitoring Tool (RTMT) provides a graphical user interface to many facets of the system, and provides various tools such as trace and log collecting, custom alerts, and performance monitoring.

To use the Real-Time Monitoring Tool, an end user must be assigned to a user group that is allowed to use this tool. For this recipe, we will use the Standard CCM Super Users user group for our user. Roles associated with the Real-Time Monitoring Tool are discussed later in this recipe.

How to do it…

To grant access to the Real-Time Monitoring Tool to end users, perform the following:

  1. First, navigate to the end users configuration page (User Management | End User).
  2. Ensure the user has the proper user group specified; if not, add it. In this case, we add Standard CCM Super Users.
    How to do it…
  3. Click Save.

How it works...

By default, the Standard CCM Super Users user group has permissions to use the Real-Time monitoring Tool; by assigning this group to our admin users, we grant them permissions to use the Real-Time Monitoring Tool.

Custom user group for the Real-Time Monitoring Tool

Sometimes we may want to grant access to facilities of the Real-Time Monitoring Tool to non admin users. To do so, we have some Roles at our disposal.

  • Standard RealtimeAndTraceCollection: View and configure the Real-Time Monitoring Tool, including collecting traces.
  • Standard SERVICEABILITY: Allows the assigned user to view and configure the following in the Real-Time Monitoring Tool:
    • Alert Configuration
    • Profile Configuration
    • Trace Collection
  • Standard SERVICEABILITY Administration: Allows the assigned user to view and configure all windows in the RTMT.
  • Standard SERVICEABILITY Read Only: Allows the assigned user to view configuration in the RTMT.

There's more…

Sometimes, we may want to create a general purpose user account for accessing the Real-Time Monitoring Tool; to this end, we will create an application user (User Management | Application User).

  1. First, create the new application user by clicking Add New.
  2. Specify the User ID; for this recipe we will use rtmtuser.
  3. Specify the Password and Confirm Password.
  4. Click Save.
  5. After the page reloads, click Add to User Group in the section Permissions Information.
  6. A new window will open, allowing us to search the available user groups. If none are present, click Find to populate the list.
  7. Add the Standard RealtimeAndTraceCollection user group to the application user by first checking the box next to the user group. Click Add Selected.
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  8. Click Save.
  9. The Permissions Information section will appear as shown in the following screenshot:
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