- 雅思高分特训全攻略阅读篇
- 张大世
- 370字
- 2025-02-15 16:32:13
Short Answer 解析2
The Internet allows individuals to publish and access all types of information from around the world. Some information that may be banned in one country may not be considered as illegal in other countries.This condition makes it hard to eliminate offensive sites and materials on the Internet.Moreover, it is even more difficult to identify the actual individuals who are behind the posting of such kind of materials, making it impossible to find and arrest offenders and abusers.It is, therefore, vital for parents and elders to make use of available filtering software in order to protect homes and vulnerable children against online criminals.
Passage 2是一篇关于虚拟犯罪危险性的文章。由于网络的特性,很难切断非法有害信息,并找出违法者。文章得出的结论是从这种危险的环境当中保护孩子是至关重要的任务。
●Question 分析与答案
Who shouId be responsibIe for safeguarding chiIdren and residences from virtuaI criminaIs?
是谁(Who)要从虚拟犯罪当中保护孩子是Question Point。符合题干的内容可以在最后的结论句子父母与年长者(parents and elders)中找出。可以直接利用文章的表达方法,同时也要注意不能超过三个单词。

词汇巩固pubIish发表,宣布 access接近,出入 ban禁止 iIIegaI违法的 eIiminate消除,删除 offensive无礼的,讨厌的 arrest拘捕 offender犯罪者,违反者 abuse滥用,误用 vitaI生命的,必不可少的 fiIter过滤 protect保护vuInerabIe脆弱的,易受攻击的 safeguard保护