- 雅思高分特训全攻略阅读篇
- 张大世
- 365字
- 2025-02-15 16:32:13
Short Answer 解析4
Despite movements to defeat sexual discrimination, there is still a marked difference as regards employment conditions between men and women. To illustrate, the percentage of employed men hovers at about seventy-five percent, while the percentage of employed women plays around fifty percent.Discrepancies in salaries can also be observed as men earn fifteen to thirty-five percent more than women, particularly in the industrial sector.Globally, approximately only two to three percent of women hold high positions in businesses.Nevertheless, these numbers are expected to improve as more people and more nations contest issues regarding gender inequalities.
●Question 分析与答案
What is the difference between the percentages of empIoyed men versus that of women?
这种题型需要正确掌握题干问的是什么,之后分析文章类推答案。Question Point是用百分比(percentage)计算男女就业率差距(difference)。文章中没有直接提及该数据,因此找出男性与女性的就业率(75%,50%)后,计算两者的差距(75%-50%=25%)。

词汇巩固despite不管 defeat挫败,击败 sexuaI discrimination性别歧视 iIIustrate说明 discrepancy矛盾,不一致observe知道,观察,认识 approximateIy大约,大体 nevertheIess然而 inequaIity不等,不平等,不均衡