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- 英国《金融时报》
- 1486字
- 2022-06-02 12:32:30
01 英特尔:不再按晶体管尺寸命名先进芯片工艺

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全文共511个词,by Richard Waters in San Francisco
Intel has come up with a new weapon in its attempt to regain the edge in advanced chipmaking lost to Asian rivals: change the way it names its most advanced technology.
The US chipmaker said on Monday that it would no longer refer to its latest generation of manufacturing technology based on the size of the transistors on its semiconductors. For decades this has been considered the gold standard in advanced chipmaking, as companies raced to pack ever-larger numbers of transistors on their chips.

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The shift follows Intel’s loss of global leadership in manufacturing to TSMC and Samsung, ending its decades-long advantage of being the first to reach each new process step, or“node”.
The new naming convention drops any reference to size. It means that Intel will no longer refer to the delayed “7 nanometre” chips that have caused its stumble, which will not appear until 2023.
Instead, it will use the new brand Intel7 to refer to an intermediate generation of chips that are set to hit the market a year earlier.
相反,英特尔将使用新品牌“Intel 7”指代将在2022年上市的中间一代芯片。

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Sanjay Natarajan, an Intel senior vice-president, denied that the change was an attempt to obscure Intel ’ s manufacturing issues. The company was enacting the shift to ease comparisons with rivals for customers as it moves into the foundry market, where it makes chips for other companies, he said.
英特尔高级副总裁桑贾伊·纳塔拉詹(Sanjay Natarajan)否认这一改变是为了掩盖英特尔的制造问题。他表示,随着该公司进入代工市场,为其他公司生产芯片,采取这一举措是为了方便客户将其与竞争对手进行比较。
Some analysts also rejected suggestions that Intel was trying to hide its problems, and said the move was a belated recognition that the old way of describing advances in chipmaking was no longer relevant.
Although rivals still refer to their products in terms of size — TSMC calls its most advanced chips 5nm — the term does not have much meaning as other aspects of chipmaking have come to the fore, said Patrick Moorhead, a US chip analyst.
美国芯片分析师帕特里克·穆尔黑德(Patrick Moorhead)表示,尽管其竞争对手仍然用晶体管尺寸命名自己的产品——台积电将其最先进的芯片称为5纳米——但就芯片制造技术而言,随着其他方面的重要性日益突显,这个术语已没有多少意义。
The change came as Intel on Monday laid out a set of technologies and manufacturing targets for the next three years that it hopes will enable it to catch up with TSMC and Samsung. They included new ways to package different parts of a chip into a single semiconductor—a technology that Pat Gelsinger, Intel’s new chief executive, is counting on to put the company back in front.
周一,英特尔公布了未来三年的一系列技术和制造目标,希望通过达到这些目标来追赶上台积电和三星。其中包括采用新方法将芯片的不同部分封装到单个半导体上——英特尔新任首席执行官帕特·盖尔辛格(Pat Gelsinger)正指望凭借这种新技术让公司重回领先地位。

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Moorhead said that Intel’s most advanced chips already matched TSMC in performance per watt of power consumed, one of the main measures, but were lagging behind in density,or the number of transistors it can cram on to a chip — a critical measure for uses such as smartphones.
Intel’s old naming system made the company look two years behind TSMC when in fact it is only about six months behind, said Dan Hutcheson, head of VLSI Research.
VLSI Research主管丹·哈奇森(Dan Hutcheson)表示,英特尔的旧命名规则让该公司看起来落后台积电两年,而实际上只落后大约6个月。
“If they hit all their dates, they have the potential to be ahead in 2024—but that’s a big‘if’,” Moorhead said.