- 雅思高分特训全攻略阅读篇
- 张大世
- 343字
- 2025-02-15 16:32:09
Multiple Choice 解析6
Most people may be unaware of the fact that genetically modified food products have infiltrated global markets. The genetic modification of certain kinds of crops may have increased yield and made more products available to the people, but consideration should be given to its effects on human health.Genetically modified organism(GMO)may contain new types of proteins which can accumulate inside the human body.Since genetic modification was conducted, the indirect and long-term effect of GMO's remains unknown.
●Question 分析与答案
Which of the options beIow iIIustrates a positive benefit of genetic modification?
A. Agricultural outputs are better than before.
B. Crop harvest is improved.
C. Food products are more widely available.
D. All of the above
Question提问哪项描述了转基因的优点。A, B,C项都表达了“提高谷物产量”的文章内容,故答案为D.All of the above。这种四个选项都可能是答案的考题,需要更仔细判断。

词汇巩固unaware未认识到的,不知道的 geneticaIIy modified转基因的 infiItrate渗透,渗入 genetic起源的,基因的modification变更,变形 yieId生产,产出 protein蛋白质 accumuIate堆积,积累 iIIustrate说明 agricuIturaI农业的 crop农作物,收获物 harvest收获,收割