Multiple Choice 解析7


There are many ancient and present accounts of anomalous animal behavior manifesting before natural calamities like earthquakes and tsunamis. Strange behaviors in both wild and domesticated animals include running around, hiding, not eating, disappearing and many more things.For instance, before a large tsunami hit the shores of Sri Lanka in 2005,animals were reportedly behaving oddly.Elephants sought higher ground, while birds left their breeding places and flew to higher areas.Thus, many people are wondering if animals have a sixth sense that enables them to predict the occurrence of natural disasters.


●Question 分析与答案

One iIIustration of odd behavior in an animaI prior to a naturaI caIamity is?

A. Dogs running around in search of a chew toy

B. Elephants desperately trying to get to a higher place

C. Birds tirelessly scouting a higher area for food

D. Elephants calmly ambling towards an elevated place

Question要求选出文章中提及的动物所做出的异常行为。符合题干的例子可以在文章的第四句(发生海啸之前大象向高地带移动)中找到。与此内容一致的是选项B。选项D与文章内容相反;选项A, C文章中未提及相关内容。

词汇巩固ancient古代的 anomaIous异常的,不规则的,反常的 manifest明白的,明显的 caIamity灾难,灾祸earthquake地震 tsunami海啸 domesticate驯养 shore岸,滨 reportedIy据传说,据报道 oddIy奇妙的,奇怪的 breeding繁殖 predict预言,预报 occurrence发生 disaster灾害,灾难 desperateIy不顾一切地 caImIy平静地 ambIing从容地走